As a result, Tommen fires his father from his job as lord commander of Kingsguard.

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Free to download TV Shows/Popular/Movies subtitles by searching the movie name as alphabetical order of the movie. Free download from source, API support, millions of users. Instead of killing the actress playing Cersei by poisoning her, Arya recovers her Needle and makes different plans. Movie and TV Subtitles in multiple languages, thousands of translated subtitles uploaded daily. King Tommen is allowed to see Queen Margery. However, Sam changes his mind in the last moment and decides to take Gilly, the baby as well as the Valyrian sword of his father with him and leave his home for good.

Nevertheless, Randyll accepts the baby into his home. Defending Sam, Gilly confesses that she is a wildling, which is appalling to Randyll. Sam and Gilly arrive at Horn Hill, where Sam introduces Gilly and Crastor's son to his family. The white walkers reach Meera and Bran but they are saved in the last minute by a mysterious black rider who turns out to be Benjen Stark.